Monday, January 28, 2008

Home Again

I drove 50 miles to the staff development meeting at our sister school in Masonville and got the best bagel I've had since I've moved to New York. They must have had them delivered from The City, as they call it. Hmmmm, good, and it held me up for most of the morning. A whole day of learning how to do special ed paperwork. Somebody please shoot me! The bureaucracy of special education is daunting...with random files being pulled and examined by the State. I wish it was just about helping the kids. I had a good time with my friends from C-Wing and we made the best of it. I am special ed, on loan to the academic section of our alterntive school, so I do some workshops with both teams. I staggered out of there, bought a few things to give Matt for dinner, and made it home to find he had just put a new mother and twins in the jug. The maternity ward is filling up again. Only three tiny ones in the apt., two from aged ewes who are retired as of now. Most of the lambs are fine. I'm running out of sweaters! Jan has a box of three in the mail now. I have another one on the needles. I figure I maybe another month of births then its over. I know I had the ram and buck out before Oct. 1 and it takes five months to grow a lamb/kid. Beautiful day out today but I was stuck inside - ugh! Breeze still down...I'm going to lie down myself before chores.

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