Friday, December 21, 2007

Ups and Downs

What a I am sitting at my desk with scraps of wrapping paper and ribbons all around the piles of books and papers. Gotta love this BOCES bunch. No matter how hairy it gets around here (remember our population) we pull together to support each other and shower ourselves with little gifts and goodies. Tuesday I was supposed to have my second observation. Planned with Laurie, the English teacher, read the book all night, wrote my notes, memorized notes, somehow got to school at 8 am for my pre-observation interview with my supervisor (a super lady, by the way), got all the objectives and standards written out on the form, was a nervous wreck for the next two periods, got to class, started teaching with one eye on the door for her to come - and guess what? She never came in to watch me! There was an "incident" in the C-wing that called her away. I was a wrung-out rag after that. Laurie even cleaned up her room and had the vice-principal remove the worst kid so he wouldn't act out during my observation. Oh, well, my boss apologized and said we would do it after Christmas. I really have to learn not to get so gosh-darn nervous about these things. I've survived observations after all these years and should be okay with them by now! The frustration stayed with me all week. Last night I was feeling the holiday despondency but today I am filled with Christmas spirit and happiness. Just called Matt on the Farm and caught him about to set out to find a Christmas tree (yes, Christmas, not Holiday) on our own farm. Gives me warm fuzzies just to think about it.

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