Saturday, December 08, 2007


Matt and I were feeding the sheep tonight and noticed one ewe lying down up against the stanchions. I thought it was odd that she was not up eating. We missed the morning feeding time when I was in the hospital. The ewe was straining a bit...then I realized she was pushing a lamb out! There was a nose with tiny hoofs on either side, then a head, then black shiny shoulders, and a nice size ewe lamb slid out. She's very beautiful and perfectly healthy. Mom talked to her and the lamb talked back. Mom licked her off - essential for bonding and the little one kept talking to Mama. The perfect birth. I got to spend some time in my favorite place on the a newborn jug helping mama and lamb bond. I nursed out some colostrum, realizing that this ewe must have been one of the mastitis ewes from last year. Only one utter is working. Not a problem with a single lamb. We realized this ewe must have become pregnant in July - so much for our "90 degree and over sterile ram theory!" We meant to skip breeding this year but I fear there may be some more pregnant ewes out there. It's a relief to know she must have had enought to eat to produce such a hefty lamb. We would usually feed grain at the end of a pregnancy. That green grass must have been good for them! I'm going to check our little darling. There's a name! Darla!!

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