Sunday, December 16, 2007

Snowed In...

I ventured out to see the animals early. What's Sunday and, with the snowy sleet coming down there is absolutely no expectation of my being anywhere except right here in the barn. I have hay for now, cat-dog-chicken-rabbit food, coffee and all kinds of goodies for us. I'm like a Holocaust survivor. When there is no money coming in all I can think about is food. I've heard of them standing in front of the refrigerator in the middle of the night, just staring in at the eats. The lady who was so anxious to get her bed and breakfast started is having trouble getting the bank to come in and do the estimate for her financing and Matt can't start the job. No work for two going on three weeks so far for him. I can't keep this farm afloat myself. Merry Christmas! I'm in much better shape than last year shelter-wise, but the same $$ problems are surfacing. My job is pretty much a farm subsidy, and a second income is needed to pay the bills. Matt is looking for something else - tough for him since he was really psyched about this B and B. Mothers don't let your babies grow up to be carpentry contractors. When times are tough people just get out the hammer and nails and do it themselves. Thanks to the Goddesses I can do this and that to hustle a buck - soap, bags, yarn, etc. Matt just worries. I've bought him so many tools to build spinning stools or whatever but he says he needs a shop. God knows I've sewn bags in dark hay mows, cooked soap with dirty drain water up to my ankles, etc. Men are funny about these things...

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