Sunday, December 09, 2007

Icy Monday Morning

I ache all over and feel "feverish." I think that chest pain I had was the beginning of some virus. Now it's spread to my arms and legs. Woke up in the middle of the night achy and sweaty. Got the dogs out and the world is covered with ice. Drink coffee, keep moving. Going out to the sheep to check on little Sparkle and see if there are any lambs. Matt and Dave B. got a load of hay in yesterday. What a disappointment. The bales are much lighter and browner than last year. Not much nutritional content. This guy was really good to us last winter, and I wrote the check with confidence. I want to call him and give him a piece of my mind but Matt won't let me. He says what if we can't find any other hay? Matt is checking another place today.


  1. Anonymous7:37 AM

    okay sweety,

    Here goes ..

    the chest pain and aches you're experiencing are from the long term stress. It's the same thing I started having 2 summers ago, and went through all the same tests. The results? Stress and anxiety attacks. I have 1-3 attacks every day, and the only solution is for the both of us to find a way to de-stress, balance our emotions and find a way to focus on something/someone that brings us love. But, that's only a part of what you're experiencing. The aches and pains are also from the crappy virus that is this year's "flu" bug. I've got it too, and that's because you and I never take good care of ourselves --- always someone else or, in your case, all your 4 legged someones too! Everyone will survive a day without fresh hay, or water or gentle words from you. Give yourself a day to just REST, have chicken soup (vegetable soup DOES NOT have the healing qualities of the chicken broth -- proven scientifically!) and de-tox your mind and anxieties. You made it through last winter, you'll make it through this winter too!

    love ya oodles and wish I was there to help


  2. HUGS and good wishes being winged your way!!
    I know the lamb was unexpected but what a beautiful girl she is!!


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