Friday, December 28, 2007

Hannah's Room

I wanted to spend as much time as possible with Hannah and Luke but I also wanted to help out in some way. I asked Hannah if we could clean her room together. It was great fun, with Hannah pulling out a truck load of "stuff" from under her bed. The Ladies come to clean once a week but I think they push things under the bed instead of sorting through them. Hannah and I got the job done and I got to know my granddaughter a lot better by looking at her school papers and favorite trinkets. Now I know what she needs and doesn't need any more of. This is a girl's bedroom to die for, with a view of the Turquoise Mountains out the window.


  1. It's always interestng what a girl's under the bed storage will yield.

    Thinking about that, I've tagged you to write a letter to your 13-year-old self. More info at:

  2. Thanks, Kathleen! I see you have another cute picture on your signature. Love berry pics!


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