Thursday, December 13, 2007

Big and Bigger Snow

It's awful to be stuck at work watching the snow coming down and you can't leave. All but two students were picked up by 11:30 but we were still not dismissed. I took a 1/2 personal day to leave at 12:30. The Red Rocket does not have 4 wheel drive and I knew it would be tough going. The 26 miles of road were all covered with 4-5 inches of snow and going up the hills was tough. I did 25-30 mph all the way home. The worse part was all the trucks zooming past me going way too fast, including a couple of tanker trucks on route 8. I have two soap orders to mail, so I stopped at the PO in New Berlin to find they were closed for lunch from 1 to 2. Got some milk and cottage cheese for the kitties, ginger ale and egg nog for Mattie, the New York Times and headed home. A bigger storm is scheduled to hit this weekend. Have to get some more groceries in. Once home I checked on little Sparkle who I let out of the jug this morning. She is having a wonderful time exploring the barn with her mother, and following her out to the round bales outside. Matt found her covered with snow and hay earlier. Good thing she had on her heavy duty home-grown, handspun lamb coat. Auntie Jan is busy knitting more lamb coats. Most of last years coats are slightly felted from washing, which makes them more water resistant, but they are smaller now and not suitable for larger lambs. With the lambs coming earlier, without me feeding the moms grain the last trimester, I should have smaller babies. Fine with me, they pop out easier. I decided to do something unusual for me lately, I laid down to take a nap - and woke up three hours later. Ohhhh, it felt so good. Just me and Izzy under the covers, so warm and cozy and a million miles away from the cold, snowy world outside.

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