Saturday, December 29, 2007

Annie's Spinning Wheels

Annie has two wheels, a Jensen and a Louet. I used to think who would spin in Las Vegas in the desert? After this visit I realize how important wool is in the winter. I wore my wool sweaters, wool coat, bunny mittens and scarf the whole time I was there. I saw tourists freezing on the Strip, obviously uninformed about how cold LV can be in the winter. Annie is a pro on the drop spindle. I have seen her stand on a chair and keep a six foot length of fiber spinning. It takes a LOT of practice. I love the concept of the drop spindle, and own several, but have never been proficient at it. The bag hanging on the Jensen is one of two I made for Hannah for Christmas. I think I have overdone it with the bags. Annie and Hannah have several. I have to start sewing cute clothes for Hannah, or crocheted halter tops maybe?

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