Friday, November 16, 2007

Snowy Landscape

I woke up to snow and watched from the school windows as pretty little flakes came down all day. I love this lake effect snow, so different than what I experienced living in New Jersey all those years. Sure we have storms, but most of the time it seems to float down so daintily. The drive home was filled with one breaktaking landscape after another. As the day wore on the wind kicked up here in Brookfield and it was a job walking north against it, up the big hill with the dogs tonight. The new crescent moon showed off the rushing black clouds, making for quite a dramatic sky. There were drifts on the hill making it hard to see where the ground hog holes are. I'm always worried about stepping in one and should have put flags in them by now...but if the bad weather really hits our walks up to the pond will have to stop. The big drifts will make it impossible - for me, anyway. The doggies can walk right over the frozen snow but not Mama.

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