Thursday, November 08, 2007

Runaway Llamas

Chris and Breeze decided to take up residence in the field down the road. Luckily, the field is empty, and nobody hays it. I think it belongs to the man who has a hunting camp on the ridge behind my farm. I was worried when the Boys didn't come in with the sheep last night. As I left for work and drove down the road, I spied them behind a bush. When they saw my truck they turned their heads, thinking that if they didn't look at me then I wouldn't see them! Bad llamas! Bad llamas! Don't they know they have a job to do? Apparently not. No wonder the dogs came home with a baby goat leg a couple of weeks ago. The boys have been sleeping on the job. If they keep up like this I will have to sell them to a petting zoo. No, not really! But tomorrow I will put my boots on and go after them with a bucket of cracked corn. I'll lure them into the barnyard and keep them in for a while.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Bad Llamas! I love the Llama pictures...they are so cute.


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