Saturday, November 10, 2007

Not Quite Enough Room on the Sofa

What a jittery night I had. Friday night is usually cause for celebration for me, but not lately. I made my usual pay day stops at Tractor Supply, gas station, etc. but just couldn't go as far as Wal-Mart to get my Starbucks French Roast. Bad enough that TS is in the opposite direction of home, but WM is even farther. I am always anxious to get home and find out what calamity awaits me. It turns out Matt had gotten home early and taken care of the dogs and even scouted out where the llamas were hiding. I still couldn't get calmed down. Made dinner and finally had some whiskey in egg nog, thinking it would do me some good. I did get to sleep at 10:30 but woke up with a start at 2 and couldn't get the sleep back. I gathered up my quilt and pillows and went out to the sofa, thinking a movie would do the trick. Guess who didn't want to give up the sofa? Made a good strong cup of chamomile tea, thinking if it was good enough for Peter Rabbit, it's good enough for me. I wiggled in with the dogs, but they proceeded to stretch themselves over me. Ahhh, the weight of dogs. They got me through last winter in the trailer when I was feeling abandoned by the world. My former husband used to complain to the marriage therapist that I was waiting for a "knight in shining armour" to come and rescue me. What's so bad about that? I finally found one who fit the bill, but he had to go back to NJ to find work or we would have to eat the sheep. I was just about to float off to never-never land when nature called and the doggies had to shift again. Spent some time looking for movies but there was nothing on, rather annoying since I get something like 100 channels. Back to the bed at 4 then slept until 7. It will catch up with me around 4 today, and maybe a little nap will do. The Delaware River Keeper show in New Jersey is coming up quick, and I am getting antsy about that. My space is up the stairs in a beautiful old mill. I am calculating in my head how much work I will have to do to have enough product. Mia is off that weekend and will help me. Jan is coming, too. Last year I worked all day, jumped in the truck, drove four hours and just got to the mill in time to spend an hour dragging tables and boxes up a flight of stairs. Then off to Jan's house in Califon where they had a lovely dinner and cozy bed waiting for me. I'm afraid I wasn't much company that night! This year I am taking a personal day on Friday. I adore this show - the old mill and all its gears and pulleys still on display, with dozens of upscale crafters selling jewelry, pottery, textiles and photographs. There is even another spinner, Sharon Nadelman, selling some lovely, very bulky, single strand handspun and the funky jackets she knits from her own yarn. Martha Dreswick, the traditional basket lady, and her kids will be there. Her gorgeous baskets will have just been varnished and the smell is wonderful. I buy a basket or two every year to use in my booth displays. She says I have more of her baskets than she does. I just eat it up...

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