Saturday, November 17, 2007

More Bundaflicka Bags...

Like I said, I've been busy. Here are some more Bundaflicka Bags that will be for sale shortly on my web site and at the Delaware Riverkeeper benefit.


  1. Wonderful bags. Keep right on saying what you want, its your blog afterall. What email address is usable now days. My last 2 or 3, no reply.

  2. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Why don't you start a personal journal where you can write ALL your thoughts down, work things through in your mind and leaves those for kids etc.? I use this blog to dream about how different my life could be where I in your shoes and do admire what all you do and accomplish living your dream and caring for Maggie's Farm.

    Your blog yes, yet I look forward to reading it everyday as my inspiration and encouragement to go after my dreams!

    Write away, I'll always read ...



Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!