Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Earlville Opera House

I called the Earlville Opera House today and asked if they would like me to bring some of my things to their Holiday Craft Show. They called me last year but I didn't have much to bring them. I was really flying by the seat of my pants last fall, sewing in the hay mow with a wall of black all around me and my lone light bulb...remember? I sold out at Rhinebeck and managed to make a few more for Delaware Riverkeeper. Made a few more for a local show at a New Age retreat...a very cool place where I walked my first labyrinth. The only people who bought my things were the owners, though. My prices are a little high for the locals. The school secretary confronted me the Monday after the show, saying she wanted to buy a bag but it was too expensive. I asked her if she thought handmade things should cost less because they are made at home and she said yes. I told her I think they should cost more because they are handmade and that much more special. The owners of that retreat called the Earlville Opera House and told them to get ahold of my stuff for their show...so, with hay and feed on my mind, I called them and they said bring it over - tomorrow! I will bring them some of the bags I made for Riverkeeper, along with some soap and photo notecards. It's not a bad deal, I'm supporting the local arts and don't have to be there to sell my things. They take 25% but I can live with that. Maybe a patron with deep pockets will need a new knitting bag.


  1. hi mommie.. aj and i are sitting here chatting! he's here safe, monika and i made him corn chowder for dinner.. with a ton of veggies.. ofcourse we both agreed that it wasn't as good as anything you have made.. credit for trying?.. i got him a ton of healthy snacks and we're watching the discovery channel everest special.. remember when i thought i would climb that mt. some day... we miss you and mattie.. i am off to work tomorrow, aj and monika are going to the gym.. i am hoping he will squeeze in a barnes and noble night for me! okay, here i go blabbing, i love you! stay warm.. aj has california blood now!

  2. Mia! You DID climb Mount Everest! You mastered a science regimen I couldn't pass if the lives of my doggies depended on it!Thanks for taking such good care of your brother. Wish I could be with you in Morristown.


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