Sunday, October 28, 2007

Welcome Hector!

My Lone Long Distance Rider Turned Shepherd friend, Mary, told some organic farmer friends of hers on Cape Cod, Mass., that I might be interested in an angora buck kid they were looking to place in a fiber farm. She made the connection and we talked it over by email. Hector arrived today with his owner, Jason, who was coming to visit Mary and pick up hay to take back to Cape Cod ($8 a bale on the cape!) He is such a cute little sparky goat, with gorgeous fine white curls. I am hoping he will put those curls on my babies. Tommy Boy is bred out and will live out his years being photographed for his gorgeous rack and blue eyes. I am keeping Hector is a lambing pen for tonight and tomorrow until I get home from work. That way everyone can look him over without butting him around. He is already making friends and munching on hay. I am so happy to have him and grateful to Mary and her friends, Jenifer and Jason, the Cape Cod organic farmers.

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