Monday, October 29, 2007

A Monday to Forget

More drama at work, drama online. I guess I better not take any pictures of local farms and put them on my blog. Long, tacky story so I will spare anyone who might be reading this little farm bulletin. Whew! People around here sure are touchy!!! Hard frost last night, 28 F. on the Milk Room porch. I got 6 Bundaflicka Bags off to Village Yarn in East Rochester. May they sell quickly so they will order more. A man from Saratoga who bought a bag said he took it to his knitting group and the members were all over it. He wants to order some of the lavender soap I put in there to make the bag smell good. I better get some more lavender oil in...and clove oil for the shaving blocks. From the feedback I am getting from sisters and mothers of the guys the blocks were purchased for, I will get some Christmas orders. I just sent Leslie pictures of bags then the Rochester order came in, so I will have to let her know. I don't have unlimited fabric of each because I buy closeouts and remnants to keep the prices down. Hector is very perky and eating his grain. I am not going to let him out until tonight when the flock is bedded down. Then he can wander around and smell everybody and get to know them. Better get to rattling those pots and pans...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Maggie! I love your blog and think you put local farmers in a very positive light! Sorry about work drama...hope I'm not a contributor...but I get wrapped up in stuff. You're a wonderful coworker and fabulous person.

    Keep smiling...Winter break is coming...i swear. :-)


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