Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Have to Get More Rest - Footsteps?

Back to school today after a three day weekend. I fell asleep twice in Gretchen's global history class. And her class is interesting! After school I ran down to the road with the sheep so they wouldn't go under the fence and cross the road again. I had let the White Boys go so I could get their walk over with before the rain started. They were a bit put off by the change in routine and ran away down the road. Black clouds rolled in overhead but the rain held off so I could get everybody uphill to the pond. Wow, was I dragging. Every step was an effort. Finn and Knut came back and we got into our regular routine. I've got chores half done and had to come into the apt. to rest. I need to cut up about a hundred pounds of soap tonight, and was going to make more...but I don't think so. Matt is out giving a bid to a client. Pray she takes his price. It would go a long way to getting us through the winter. She is changing her Victorian home into an "inn." Just Matt's cup of tea. I just heard footsteps walking around the hay mow above me. I was just up there in the dark throwing hay down to the boy's pen. They are seperated from the girls now and must be fed and watered every day. There were no sheep up there and the big barn doors are closed. Now I have the creeps. I tried to call Matt, but we don't have cell phones anymore and directory assistance gave me a number that doesn't answer. Okay.....All the dogs are barking like crazy outside. What to do, what to do. Watch the wrap up of the Democratic debate and try not to think about it. Heard it again...how did I ever get through last winter here alone with no cozy apartment? I know how...I had not heard all these ghost stories yet! Let me tame this vivid imagination of mine and do some sewing... this old antique machine I am using with all metal parts makes so much noise I can't hear a thing. Fine with me!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:22 PM

    just shout "hello Elisha, have a pleasant evening!" and be glad he's enjoying his evening walk in his beloved barn ........ now let all the bumps in the night fade into the background and sleep peacefully!




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