Monday, October 08, 2007

Got Buttons?

I am seriously low on buttons. I went on a button making jag a couple of years ago that saw me through until now. I have several bags that need buttons. Luckily I found a basket of Sculpey clay, lots of good colors. Polymer clay is expensive, and I don't need that expense right now. Tonight I will be rolling out clay. At Vermont Sheep and Wool I met a polymer artist, a former BOCES teacher, who makes the most amazing buttons. She photo transfers onto clay, and does patterns and mosaics in her buttons. Darned if I didn't lose her name. I do remember the name of the artist who taught her, Donna Cato. She published a book I have to find. In the meantime I will make my big, funky buttons ala Maggie's Farm. People love them, but often complain of them breaking. Now I try with all my might to break the button before I sew it on a bag. A car door slamming on it will do it, which I have done myself. I am thinking about wooden buttons in the future - but there is something about this clay that I really like. Jan is making some adorable buttons which will be on display at my booth at NY State Sheep and Wool, coming up real soon...

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