Friday, October 26, 2007

Funky Friday Night

The zoo trip was wonderful, and a well needed light, stress-free outing for me. I still haven't de-escalated (how's that for a special-ed term?) from the Rhinebeck weekend and it felt great to chat with my teacher friends on the bus trip and walk around taking all the sights and animals. It went steadily downhill from there, unfortunately, when Loew's didn't have the 8 ft. cord for the dryer Matt had me buy after work on Tuesday (when he told me not to get a cord as he already had one-he didn't). I got the 6 ft. which wasn't quite long enough...which would spark the long-time-in-coming fight that's been brewing for a week. I made the pay-day trip to Tractor Supply on the way home and stopped at La Maison Blanc for goodies and a cappuchino. While driving through Norwich in the rain I saw the urbanites preparing for the Pumpkin Festival tomorrow. The forecast calls for rain all weekend - too bad, it looks like so much fun. Maggie will be working on the farm and can't get away anyway, but I love the spirit of the people of Norwich.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    okay girlfriend,

    If it's not raining next year for the pumpkin feastival, whether you think you have chores to do or not, WE'RE going to the festival! These types of farm/local activities are one of the reasons you took your flock, spouse and everything you own up to Central NY! You left the craziness of the suburban yuppy lifestyles just so you could experience the life of the farm. Now, take time to smell the roses!

    I'm coming up there to enjoy the new lifestyle, it's all your fault so you are going to enjoy it too if I have to drag you screaming into it!



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