Monday, October 01, 2007

Full of Surprises

I walked into the classroom I call home and found my desk covered with presents, cards and flowers. What a lucky girl I am. I cast my fate to the wind and came up here to make a life, and found all these friends who care about me. I even got a copy of one of my favorite movies, Moonstruck, just because I mentioned it a while back and Gretchen made a mental note. I got all kinds of goodies including Tractor Supply and La Maison Blanche (my favorite French bakery) gift certificates, a photo album with hand painted cover, chocolate, berries and whipped cream compote, caramel corn, truck air freshener, breath mints (?!), a potted plant and lots of cute cards. I came home to find another present that arrived in the mail - a nifty cordless mouse from my professor friend, George, and drop dead gorgeous socks from Lynne, the Sock Lady. Hannah sent me fabric to make her a bag for school - I am so fulfilled! Time to get the doggies out, it's almost dark already and Matt went out to talk to the West Winfield lady he might be building a bed and breakfast for. Chores and sewing ahead for me tonight, after a lovely, lovely day.


  1. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Hope your birthday was fabulous!!!!

  2. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Was I right, or was I right! I knew your BOCE friends would remember you in a great way today!

    Yes, many men just don't get it when it comes to birthdays - or other special days. So we ladies just have to take care of each other in ways that we know will make each others' birthdays special.

    I know sometimes it's hard to feel loved or cared for, but we'll never let you down.

    I'm stealin' those socks too lady, so you'd better enjoy wearing them now ..........

    Sleep well knowing that you may care if you're a year older, but none of your friends (or family)do.

    me :) j


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