Friday, October 05, 2007

Friday Evening

What a week, much drama at work which I can't talk about - and much drama at home I don't want to talk about. But the critters need care and life goes on. I have to focus on the Rhinebeck show. The almond soap I made night before last came out fine so I will cut it up tonight and make the rosemary tomorrow, along with sewing bags and skirting wool. It was HOT today and I was stuck in staff developement workshops all day. Oh, please save me. The powers that be took me away from my friends I am with every day and put me with the "C" wing people. I guess they want to remind me once in a while that I belong to the Special Education staff and I'm only on loan to Career Academy. Okay, so I did learn how to do a behavior intervention, yada, yada, yada. I know nothing about the kids we discussed all afternoon, never met them, and just couldn't wait to get out of there. The construction on the new wing killed the air conditioning in the school so it was "moist." One nice thing...a good buddy of mine in special ed, Roger, brought in an old spinning wheel he picked up at an antique shop. He put a new treadle on it and asked me to look at it. There we were in the parking lot, in the blazing sun, with passersby stopping to look, spinning on this odd, patched together old timey spinning wheel. It was great.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Maggie! We missed you today too! You didn't miss much except disgruntled stirrings and some general Ted, Laurie, Gretchen antics! Have a great long weekend and try to take a couple minutes to relax.


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