Friday, October 05, 2007

Breathtaking Views

I can hardly stay on the road on the way to school. I have been stopping here and there to take pictures on the way home. It seems odd to be taking in the fall colors when it's 85 degrees outside and the air is positively steamy. The weather is supposed to turn cool and rainy next week. I've missed some good wool drying days this week, but I did get a lot of soap and two beautiful bags made. It was a five day work week with one late night, so what did I expect? I would love to hit the hay right now at a healthy 11 PM, but the White Boys have decided to take off. Who knows where they went. There are thousands of wild acres around here where they can run around and have fun, but there are also lots of farmers armed to the hilt who don't take well to stray dogs coming around. They came up to the pond with me and kept on going. I will wait up through Jay Leno and hope they come back. Bad doggies! Bad doggies!

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