Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Milky Way

Don't know if it's the unloading of three wagons of hay yesterday, or only getting four hours sleep, or sitting in a dusty construction zone, or listening to union reps telling us we are not going to get a contract this year, or whatever, but I am zonked. Rushed home to find hungry kitties and happy doggies, sheep lined up to go out and graze, everybody wanted attention and all I wanted to do was lie down. Somehow I got it together and took care of everybody, made dinner, walked the doggie pack up to the pond, fed the bunnies, chickens and cats again, did laundry and cut up soap until 11:30. Then I went out to put the sheep to bed and marvelled at the sky. The Milky Way is clear as a bell tonight. I leaned up against the silo and looked straight up. No moon and zillions of stars. I saw two shooting stars within five minutes. The silo held me up long enough to take in this spectacular show, and for a moment, with little Bridie and Velvet nuzzling up against my legs, there was no job that requires leaving the farm, no bills, no aches and pains, no missing my kids. I was in heaven. Had to come inside to write it down before the euphoria fades and I fall into bed.


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Isn't that the most wonderful feeling when all of a sudden you get this giddy feeling and feel content with the way things are in your world.

  2. Anonymous8:36 PM


    if only I coud share that sky with you ----- maybe within the year?!

    Miss all, keep me updated with all those visual descriptions! Smell the hay (and all else!)


  3. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Now that Kitty looks comfy...i wish my bed were that fabulous. Smart Kitty!

  4. oh mommie, i LOVE those moments! the farm is where i can escape too! and i hope that there are some shooting stars for me to see in a week!! i love you and am so proud of you!! i can't believe how much you do!


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