Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Gretchen With the Red Vest

Gretchen Dana Hoag is 26 years old today. She is my colleague and next class neighbor at the DCMO BOCES Career Academy. Gretchen teaches Social Studies to our kids and GED to kids who didn't make it in high school and just want to take the test and get a diploma. Gretchen has a Master's Degree and is a very smart girl. She could teach anywhere she wants but she's happy working with this very needy population. Her classes are a lot of fun, as Gretchen is very animated and frequently punctuates her lectures with wild yahoos! and woo-woo's! and hee haws!, along with jumping up in the air and landing in front of a student whose attention might be waning, or when she wants to make a point. Gretchen is good at anything se touches. I brought in my spinning wheel and she just sat down and started spinning. Then she started knitting and was making cables lickedy split. That's just the way it is with Gretchen. Gretchen stocks her desk with all kinds of goodies like chocolate, candies and energy bars. She makes a pot of coffee every day, and, let me tell you, sometimes Gretchen's coffee throws me the life line I need. She even buys extra bold Starbucks for me. Gretchen's parents are life-long New York residents, descended from colonials. She is the first college educated person in her family and is quick to point out that she makes more than either of her parents ever did in the factories they work in. (All in an effort to inspire her students to stay in school.) I love working with Gretchen. She always has a big smile on her face when I poke my head through the door, and makes me feel welcome when I hole up in her classroom for a few minutes before lunch. Her desk is piled high with history books I like to look at, ready to slide off on to the floor at any second. Gretchen loves movies and has an enviable collection of DVD's she is willing to share with her friends. Gretchen loves purses and handbags so I decided to make her one for her birthday. It's only big enough for a water bottle and bank card I told her, and she added, "And a book!"


  1. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Thank you for all the nice things you've said about me! I am touched beyond measure! See you in the AM!

  2. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Happy birthday to Gretchen ...


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