Thursday, September 20, 2007

Goaties Are Gone

This nagging head cold won't let go - sore throat, sinus, etc. The air circulation in my wing of the school is poor, and the weather is warm, not pleasant. Gretchen had a bottle of some kind of daytime cold medicine which helped a bit. When I got home and was able to be outside in the fresh air I felt a LOT better. Got another fleece out to skirt. Gosh, this BFL wool is luscious...just MAHvelous...I want to put it up to my face to inhale it. Matt was in a good mood tonight so we walked up the hill together with the dogs. The sheep and goats were all up by the pond, running ahead of us as we climbed. The moon was on the rise and the air was cooling down. The view up there would do wonders for anybody's head. Bodie is doing much better and swimming for the ball himself now, with Holly standing by just in case. We meandered down with little Velvet at my heels. Made a nice salad for Matt with left over pizza, followed by a giant bowl of Death by Chocolate. Works wonders for his mood. Jackie, my Fat Old Beagle, has been scratching like crazy, pounding that back leg all night long the last couple of nights, driving us nuts. I think he might be allergic to the flea spray I put on him. I ran a bath with a little eucalyptus oil and scrubbed him stem to stern with my Tea Tree with Lavender Soap. He took it rather well considering I don't remember ever giving him a bath in the 10 years we've had him. Once Matt lifted his incredible bulk out of the big tub Jackie ran around the living room on those stubby legs and rubbed himself on anything he could find. It was so funny. The tub was filled with little black gnarly hairs and Jackie goo. The tub will get a good scrubbing before I will get in it tomorrow morning. Matt went out to bring the sheep in and couldn't find the goats. They've disappeared, probably bedded down up the hill or in the orchard. There is a thick fog and we're afraid of coyotes taking advantage of an easy meal or two. The llamas and dogs are out there, but the coyotes don't always make noise and let it be known they are around. They hit and run. Little Velvet stays close with the dogs but the goat herd goes anywhere and everywhere. Matt took the truck out to shine the head lights over the field, but with this fog it's doubtful he will see anything. Hopefully the morning light will show them next to the barnyard fence, waiting to be let in.

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