Thursday, August 30, 2007

Goaties in the High Pasture

The heat broke late in the afternoon and we had a pleasant walk. I took the doggies up to the pond around 6 instead of our usual 7 because of the thunderstorm forecast. I didn't want to get caught up top in a storm again. The air was much cooler and a gentle breeze was blowing. What a lovely walk we had. Bodie is healing slowly. Holly helped retrieve the ball again, but Bodie did a few of his own. I noticed the goaties way up high on the hill. Smart little goaties, there's so much grass up there. Trouble is, sometimes they decide to keep on going, up and over the ridge. I've been lucky, neighbors usually come and tell me when I have runaway livestock. They have plenty to eat, but the grass is always greener on the other side of the road or the ridge.

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