Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Fried Green Tomatoes

My vegetable soup was so delicious and I had so much of it I took a pot over to the Sisters. They were busy making their own soup - leeks in chicken broth (no wine, ofcourse). It was a cold, rainy soup kind of day. Sister Grace is looking better after they stepped up her anemia medicine. The home dialysis is going smoother, and the garden keeps her going. The St. Elizabeth Convent in Utica still has her working but her Mother Superior has her on a reduced schedule. She was working as a home health aide, but now she visits the old ladies and prays with them. Sister told me that when she is waiting for her dialysis to finish she prays people out of purgatory. I recently heard the Church has discontinued purgatory but I didn't dare say that. Anyway, I went back to the barn to work on several bags I have cut out. I am making them two at a time now. With Vermont looming large I have to step up production. Matt came home and I showed him my wonderful soup and told him how it took me an hour or so to chop everything up and wouldn't he like a taste. He looked at the veggies swimming in the broth and his face fell. Matt is not a soup person. Not my soup, anyway. If it comes in a can he will eat it, but my soup is a little too, well, wholesome and home made. Sorry, I was raised on soup like that! I was ready to the disappointment and had a hot steaming plate of cornbread in the oven. That cheered him up quite a bit and I buttered a big chunk for him. It wasn't long before the phone rang and Sister Grace asked me to meet her at the Milk Room. She made Fried Green Tomatoes for us! Wow, were they good. Really crunchy and dripping with oil. I have spent a lot of time in the South, but never knew you could eat tomatoes green until I saw the movie. I don't do garlic so the doggies got the big chunks that accompanied the fried tomatoes. I gave Matt a cup of soup along with the FGT and he took a few sips of the broth. He did not come with me to walk the doggies to the pond. Was it the soup? Nah, he hates to walk with me. Jan is gone so I can't make her come anymore. So it's just me and the dogs. They think I am just peachy and the White Boys are all in love with me, so I don't get depressed. I poured my veggie soup over their kibble after our walk...no wonder they like me.


  1. The RCC discontinued limbo (where unbaptized babies went after they died), but they still have purgatory, which is the place where most souls undergo a cleansing process to be made fit for heaven.

  2. It's nice to have a son "in the business!"


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