Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Washing Wool While the Sun Shines

Washing and drying wool while the sun is hot enough to dry it is highly recommend. It could take weeks to dry in cold weather. You can't put wet fibers in the dryer, either. I have thought about it. Holding a hair dryer over it might help but talk about time consuming? It does my heart good to see a big table of freshly washed wool out in the sun. I am in a rush to get it out to Deb McDermott in Michigan who will spin yarn for me to sell at the shows, which start in September! Yes, we are on a downhill slide into fall. The tractors are racing around Brookfield trying to get that hay in over the four sunny rain free days predicted this week. I have a big pot of angora on the stove now, with Jacquard's "Spruce" dye in it. Ohhhh, nice! When I drop the angora into the dyepot I whisper thanks to the bunners, who give me such luscious fiber. It doesn't even have to be washed before dyeing, just put it in the pot.

I took pictures of the froggies in the pond last night to send to Luke. They are enjoying the still, quiet pond. Much, much too quiet for me!

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