Sunday, July 01, 2007

A Walk in the Moonlight

I took the Doggies up to the pond to play last night. The sun was setting with a gasp of hot glowing pink while the moon was hidden behind black clouds. I had hoped for a bright full moon to light our swim in the water. The dogs didn't care and we had a wonderful time. Holly is quite the swimmer, telling me she must be part Lab after all. We truly don't know what she is, but Lab/German Shepherd is my latest theory. She took hold of the ball in the middle of the pond for the first time, and Bodie was a little annoyed! They started swimming around in circles, very funny. Holly doesn't know the "Ball Here!" command yet. She has to bring it back for me to throw it again! We played for a while then started the walk back down to the barn when I saw Matt's flashlight coming up to find us. Suddenly I saw fireworks coming up from the trees about a mile down the road. They were amazingly high and colorful, and continued for more than an hour. I couldn't believe it, here in the wilds of Upstate New York there was a fireworks display that rivaled anything I've seen in a New Jersey back yard. Made me miss AJ, who has always been our fireworks guru. Driving back and forth to see the Georgia folks we would always stop at "South of the Border" to stock up. AJ would put on a New Year's Eve show for us every winter. Oh, how I miss those times.


  1. In the top photo I see Bodie saying "mom! Through the ball! Through the ball!" So cute. I love Bodie he's pictures remind me of Abby!

  2. You're right! That's exactly what he is saying!


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