Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Together Again!

It has been a year since we were together but when I got Hannah and Luke in my arms it was if we had never been parted. We fit together like a hand in a glove. They ran down the airplane ramp to me and we headed home to the farm. Mia was waiting for us and we set about getting Hannah and Luke reacquainted with all the critters. We were up and down the hay mow ladders and checking everything out with flashlights. They were smitten with the kittens and chicks, and little Velvet was a bit hit. I found a toad for Luke, who put it in a box with a jar top of water. It will "escape" before he gets up tomorrow. We went to the NY Pizzeria for dinner and heard all about Mia's trip to Europe. The rainstorm we hit on the way home brought cool breezes and a glorious sunset. We took the doggies up to the pond and enjoyed the sky colors. After watching a little Cartoon Network we called it a night. Tucking them in their beds with the crisp new sheets, saying prayers, and goodnight kisses...I'm in heaven!

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