Monday, July 02, 2007

Still Spinning (Figuratively and Literally!)

I spun up this Bluefaced Leicester, dyed with Rit Pumpkin, plyed with multicolored mohair. Came out real nice. If I could find my Norm Hall niddy noddy I could get it off the bobbin. We are still halfway between the trailer and the apt. I hate to go in the trailer now, but I have to get my stuff out of there. The Pig Farmer is taking it in exchange for firewood. It's 58F. here this morning, a gentle reminded that winter WILL come back! Maybe sooner than later this year. I am spinning every spare minute now. There was no floor space for it in the trailer, but in the apt. I can pull it over to me when I sit down to watch TV after chores and spin away. I am enjoying it soooo very much. I feel productive even when I am sitting and I get to play with my beautiful fibers. I will be selling my handspun at Rhinebeck this fall. The knitters come out from Manhattan and some of them appreciate my "art yarn." There's nothing like it in the shops, they tell me. Sometimes I am seduced by store yarn, but then I wonder, where did these sheep live? Were they happy and well cared for? It was a shock to me when I read that most yarn comes from dead sheep. Linda Cortright from Wild Fibers confirmed that for me. She said many sheep are being killed off because of a drought in Australia and their wool is saved for wool products. Poor sheep! So my yarn is safe because I know the sheep are living happy lives and not going to be put on a ship to Saudi Arabia to be killed by Muslims in religious rituals, etc. etc. How did I get on this subject????? Better get back to work - it keeps my lunatic mind in check!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the latest batch of yarn I've been spinning, except I bought my roving from Reflection Farms. Had frost 7-1-07, still wearing woolies every day.


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