Sunday, July 08, 2007

Rain, Soap and Grandkids

It rained buckets for an hour or so tonight. Crash, boom, bang thunderstorm. I got the sheep out to graze for a couple of hours before it started, fortunately, and they came running back in when the rain came. The exercise is so good for them after laying around all winter. I made soap tonight after carefully reviewing my amounts in the recipe. My last three batches have been hard and brittle...great soap to use in the bathtub, but wouldn't cut right for selling. I had to get started on it again for shows coming up, and wanted to break this "approach avoidance" I've been dealing with. I went back to basics and followed Sandy Maine's recipe. It's been about 12 years since I got that book for Christmas with a kit to make my first batch of soap. I've been soaping ever since. This batch traced okay, we'll see tomorrow night when I lift the lid if it worked or not...should have checked the alignment of the planets! Matt sanded and polyed the two bedrooms. Time is running short, the kids are coming on Thursday! How wonderful to have this great new living space to enjoy them in. Last year they came after I had been here only two weeks and we lived in the trailer. It was wonderful - Hannah and Luke are terrific kids who adapt easily to any situation. I plan on doing some serious spoiling of my grandchildren.

1 comment:

  1. How adorable!!
    Thank you for the comments on my blog! I'm enjoying Europe but I'm definitely ready to come home. Mia was a wonderful travel partner; it was so nice to experience all those amazing places with such a good friend!
    I hope you're having a great summer and I would love to come up to visit the farm when I get back. Have a great weekend with Hannah, Luke, and Mia!!!


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