Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Pig Farmer Takes A Wife

Will, the Pig Farmer, got married today. It poured buckets for half an hour before the ceremony and cleared just in time for the ceremony. The wedding was lovely, with twin flower girls throwing petals on the aisle before the bride came through. Hannah leaned over and picked up a petal, examined it, and turned to me and said with deadly seriousness, "They're FAKE!" Oh well, it was still a nice touch. The church must have been a hundred degrees, with matching humidity. Instead of following the crowd out to the tent at the fairgrounds, we went to get pizza in the air conditioned New York Pizzeria. With such a crowd we didn't think we would be missed. We had to get home and start getting ready for Eric and Annie who are on the way from Las Vegas.

1 comment:

  1. Who is the handsome fellow in a TIE?????? Boy he cleans up really pretty doesn't he - Hi Matt!!!!
    HUGS to all
    off to discuss with Java WHY we cannot tear screens out of windows to get outside!


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