Monday, July 30, 2007

Last Swim

We took Eric, Annie and the kiddies up to the pond for one last swim. All the doggies joined in, including little Velvet who followed us all the way up the hill. What a lovely way to end a wonderful two weeks with my grandbabies. We built a big bonfire and roasted marshmallows. Up early tomorrow to pack up the little family and see them off to a week at the "other grandma" on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I will buy my ticket for Christmas at Hannah and Luke's home in Las Vegas very soon...for I will miss my little friends sorely. It will be a tough couple of days...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:33 AM

    I am sorry to see the kids leave too. Thank you for sharing their stay with us. Christmas is only 5 months away and it will come soon enough.


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