Monday, July 16, 2007

Hannahfest All Weekend

We had a terrific time at the Tinicum Arts Festival. Hannah was a big help and it was so neat to see her having such a ball. We enjoyed Jan and Dave's kind hospitality Friday night and took off for the festival. It's a lot of work setting up a store but we got the job done and the booth looked great. The weather was hot and humid, but the thunderstorms forecasted never happened - big relief! I skipped this show last year as we were moving the farm to New York. Many people expressed surprise and gratitude at my coming back to participate, making all the hard work worthwhile. Hannah had so much fun she didn't know where to turn next. In addition to honing her retail skills, she made a new friend, Jennifer, and tootled around with her old friend, Jesse - Martha the Basketmaker's daughter. Maddie, the miniature horse was there...a big treat for Hannah. She shopped til she dropped, and the $20 bills had to turn into 2 one dollar bills every time she came back to the booth for more money! Another delicious meal and comfy bed at Jan's on Saturday night and we were back for day two of sales and good conversation. Matt worked all weekend with Roger, our old pasture landlord, bringing in hay and fixing a roofbeam in his barn. Then the packing up and long trip home. Our old friend and hired man, Nathan, came back with us to visit the farm and get reacquainted with my flock. Young Luke and Auntie Mia held the fort while we were gone and everything was in tip top shape. Mia filled us in on Luke's antics and then left to go back to NJ, where she will prep for the nursing boards in two weeks. I am so proud and grateful to have all these beautiful younguns around me. So much love and admiration all around. I have much to be thankful for!

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