Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A Deliciously Unfortunate Incident

Remember when the sheep railroaded through Sister Grace's garden and back again? Well, they managed to turn up an armfull of leeks ready to pick. I looked up a recipe on line for leek soup and found an excerpt from the book, "Why French Women Don't Get Fat," or something like that. Very interesting...the author says that French women boil their leeks then drink the water as a nutritious low-fat meal. Who'd a thunk it? It took a day or two for me to get to it, as the armfull of leeks was laid on top of a mountain of dirty dishes and soapmaking equipment piled high in my work sink. I don't have a kitchen yet in the apartment and am using my new bathroom pedestal sink to wash our few dishes in. Not the place to wash and cut all those leeks. So I bit the bullet and spent two hours washing all those dishes and pans. It was worth it...now I could make my Potato Leek Soup Au Vin. The Au Vin comes from a big box of Zinfandel Auntie Jan left when she came to visit. She always leaves me with all kinds of wonderful goodies! I sauteed lots of potatoes and leeks in olive oil, than added celery, the wine, dill weed, curry powder (always my favorite) and a quart of whole milk. Hmmmmmm, good. I brought a casserole over to Sister Grace and Sister Bernadette, who is home visiting before going off on a nun's retreat. I don't see too much of her because she lives in a convent in Waterville and teaches Social Studies along with training altar boys. (Matt was an altar boy, can you believe it?) Sister Bernadette tells me my apple orchard has been there since Colonial Times, isn't that cool?

1 comment:

  1. That looks terribly yummy!!!! I think somebody needs to share the recipe with the rest of us,
    or invite us to supper. :)


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