Thursday, July 26, 2007

Cooling Off

Heat and humidity set in today. Sheep and goats don't seem to mind a bit. I kept them in until late afternoon and I was home to watch them. They've been straying a bit and finding ways out of the feeble fencing. Now that we have decent shelter for ourselves we are going to have to drop some money and time on fencing. We got an estimate from a fence company to do just the perimeter of our pasture and it was over $8,000. A little pricey for us right now. I don't want to make enemies of our neighbors or cause a traffic accident, either. But for now I am enjoying Hannah and Luke's visit, which will be over in three days! We enjoyed a lovely swim in the pond which cooled us off very nicely. There is a big bullfrog that comes up to look us over once in a while. We can only see his big head and tips of his knees. Would love to get up close but doesn't look like it's going to happen anytime soon...

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