Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Baby Chick Update

The mismatched chicks are doing fine, the remaining two, that is. I found one of them dead in the chicken room the other day. So sad...such a beautiful little thing. I suspect one of the big hens got after it. I slipped it away and Mom seemed okay about it and was busy looking after the other two. Amazing thing about animals...they know they have to get over it and take care of business. The seven little chicks born on the ceiling joists over the bunny cages are doing great. They are so tiny and Mom is so diligent about keeping them together and making sure they eat, drink and keep warm. I have one other Bantam mother who has two teenaged chicks. They stay in a nest box together at night. I think Mom is sitting on more eggs and the kids just keep her company. None of my big purebred hens hatched eggs this year. The little Olde English Bantam moms did all the production work. I like their little eggs - almost all yolk. Most of my eggs are mixed in with the kibble for the White Boys, who are growing gorgeous thick coats. They will need those coats this winter, which the locals tell me has to be payback for the mild winter we had last year. I better order more silk underwear now - mine is shredded from living in it last winter.

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