Sunday, June 10, 2007

Wool Day

As if there is not enough going on today, a shearer I called out of the blue is coming from Vestal, 2 hours south of here, to shear my remaining 16 sheep. He said no last week, but called last night to say he could come today...but wouldn't be able to shear my goats! Poor goaties! We'll have to wait for JIM from Cortland (Jim, if you are reading this....HELP!!!!! PLEASE!!!! come shear my goats!!!)
Randy, my BOCES student and the best garl derned sheep wrangler this side of the Hudson is coming. Matt would rather concentrate on the bathroom but we are in the wool business and it's not getting any cooler. There is something unnatural about a sheep panting, and they did plenty of that when it was 95 in the shade on Thursday. My new ram, Wooster (where did they get that name I would like to know?) has a magnificent fleece that is going to a sheep-to-shawl team to use in October at NY State Sheep and Wool. I have to shower up, draw up shots, get bags, hoof clippers, Blue Kote for the occasional nick, and other things organized. AJ is coming and is a bit dismayed at the fact that he is walking into some hard labor. I assured him this was not a plan to use his one day home for farm work, but I have a feeling he feels eclipsed. In the sheep world, everyone knows - when the shearer says I'm coming, everything stops. It's all about WOOL, the Mother of ALL FIBERS!

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