Thursday, June 21, 2007

Time to Stop and Smell the Roses...

I spent the day trapped in a windowless room with a professional mediator hired by my school to help my team figure out why we can't get along with each other - no kidding. What is it about the teaching profession? I have my ideas that have to do with Karl Marx and his angst, but they are not for this blog. I was really frustrated and keyed up on the way home. I happened to have my camera with me and decided to look for things that make me happy to photograph. Maybe that would help me shake off this tension. I did not have to look long. I found ducks, a Percheron and his Haflinger friend, a beautiful flowering field with round bales and a stand of pine trees, among other things. It really helped, until I got home and found out a good friend might have cancer - and she has no health insurance. How, oh how, can we afford billions of dollars to wage war and not take care of our own? It defies belief. So I rage at the machine, and thank the powers that be that we have some chance of getting a democrat into the White House who might, just might, be able to initiate universal health coverage. I know many people who can't afford insurance, like farmers and artists. They may pay for following their bliss with their lives.


  1. wow, great pictures! I thought they were Mia's from Europe for a minute.

  2. hi mommie... you did the right thing on the way home.. i cant wait to show you the rest of my pictures!!! i am in dublin at the airport.. almost back on US turf and cant wait to come to see your new apartment!!!!!! oxoxoxo


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