Saturday, June 09, 2007

Time for Another Post

Why do I post so many blogs? Hmmmm, let me think. It makes me focus on the happy, beautiful aspects of my life and sharing them makes me happier. Sure, I post a whiny cranky blog sometimes, but you have to admit most of them are upbeat, and sometimes informative about life on my farm. I am trying to keep it that way. Jan, my teacher friend from NJ, used to nag me about updating my blog. I just couldn't get into the habit. Now that I am in the habit, I can't stop. Every time I see a "picture" I want to snap it and share it with my readers. Just wait until I figure out how to use those snapfly and shutterbug outfits people are using now. Yikes, I will be posting a LOT of pictures. For now, a lovely pastoral scene from the farm, entitled, "Who Needs a Lawnmower?"


  1. Oh, lovely, lots of fleece walking around out there!

  2. I'm glad you update your blog so often. I love reading it. It helps me. Right now, I'M the cranky poster. All this gray, cold weather has me down. I'm stiing here, wrapped in sweater and scarf as I type. Why? No one here has heat in the house!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!