Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Stranger Danger!

I'm so worried about Mia I don't know what to do. That lovely young lady, pushed into a car in Kansas, I think, coming out of Target, and nothing's been heard from her since. Natalie Holloway still missing in Aruba. What's a mother to think? My little Mia and her delicate friend Jenny, roaming around Europe looking for adventures. This is where I hope all the warnings and teachings about this and that stay with her. Don't walk away from your drink, always stay with Jenny in a group of people, keep your purse in front of you, etc., etc. I confess, if anyone could take care of herself it would be Mia, the field hockey captain. Don't think she could be shoved in a car very easily if she were awake! If she had her Stick she would pull their feet out from under them and clock them upside the head. It's time to get to morning chores. Sweater weather! Yay!! Then back to 95 on Friday? What's with this?


  1. The stranger danger is everywhere, at home as well as abroad. All we can do is to trust our kids and know that we taught them well.Mia is a good girl and she'll do great. She'll learn a lot from her vacation, too. Dublin! Wow! I hope she takes a lot of photos to share with you!

  2. Thanks, Kathleen! What a wonderful but dangerous world we live in! We want our kids to have new and valuable experiences but evil lurks around every corner!


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