Sunday, June 03, 2007

News Flash!!!

Here it is! At long last! We have a fully operational, genuwhine, made-in-China, Home Depot toilet! Yay! Yippee! Just to make sure everything is working okay, I tested it out and ahhhhhh, yes indeedy, it works just fine! I stand up and it's gone! Just the way I like it! AND I have a beautiful view of the hill out the windows across the apt. As Kelly at work recently pointed out, Maggie! You've been in that trailer for almost a YEAR! Finally, it's coming together. Next weekend, the sink, then the bathtub, then get the refrigerator up from the tractor shed and I am IN!


  1. Wow, congrats Mom, that's a mighty fiiiine toilet! I'm glad there will be a functional potty when I come in a week :-).

  2. LOLOLOLOL I nearly needed the toilet myself when I read the post :)
    Java sends her love -she's laying outside with a HUGE bone from the butcher right now -can we say spoiled?

  3. yyahh! wow, it's coming together so beautifully!!! i can't wait to take a bath in the claw tooth tub!!!

  4. congratulations, Maggie! i'm glad you got the ESSENTIAL installed! The rest will come more easily.


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