Monday, June 25, 2007

My Globetrotting Daughter is Home

Mia came home from Europe yesterday, arriving at JFK from Dublin sometime in the afternoon. She made her way to Penn Station, was waylayed by the Gay Pride Parade, and finally got on a train to Morristown. In typical Mia fashion, she was at work at a local doctor's office the next morning. When I asked her if she was tired, she said no, and went on to tell me how happy she was that "I raised her to be tough." I swelled with maternal pride. We chatted about Norway and how she saw many waterfalls due to the glaciers warming, and how weird it was to be in the daylight all night long. Mia says my barn is prettier than any barn she saw in all of Scandinavia! We have a lot of catching up to do. I'm so happy she is home safe and sound.

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