Friday, June 08, 2007

I Am MOVING!!!!!!!

Okay, okay, take deep breaths. I am moving into the barn apartment tonight. So what if there is no sink, and no TV. I will drag some mattresses in there and sleep on the floor. I have to get out of that miserable tin can. That's IT! I came home from work in 95 degree heat (the bank said 98) and the dogs had wrecked the trailer. They had knocked down the fan I set up for them and had spent the day in miserable heat. The barn holds the cool much better and has good ventilation. I am no longer going to subject myself or my dogs to that kind of life. Matt just called to say he's on the way home and I made a plea for a sink. Sink, toilet, floor, windows - I can live in the apt. He can work around me! In the meantime I am getting ready for the Hamilton market tomorrow. Several bags are cut out but not sewn yet.

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