Friday, June 29, 2007

Goat Shearing Today

Finally! My goats will be sheared today. Big Jim Baldwin is coming from Cortland area to take the mohair off. It's been on them way too long. Full fleece has a short life and mine is gone beyond optimum time for shearing. Besides, it's hot and a sweating animal combined with rain equals felt. Ruined fleece equals a loss of profit - all that hard work and money gone down the drain. Have to start over again and make sure I get a shearer willing to do goats online for the fall. Goats are shorn twice a year, sheep only once. Can't risk flystrike - a hideous thing to happen to an animal.

Last night took a walk up back behind the barn to check out the other pond. It is manmade and was not dug deep enough. Could have been magnificent as a spring from uphill empties into it. Long range plans include digging another pond lower down which I can see without hiking. Ponds are great for livestock and wildlife. I have the perfect spot, fed by another spring.

The moon was rising in the eastern sky as we were walking - almost full with the man in the moon watching us. Little black clouds streamed over it as it rose. In the western sky a brilliant pink sunset was entertaining us. I turned back and forth, taking in nature's breathtaking cinematic masterpiece. I still can't believe I am here to live out the last stages in this gorgeous landscape.

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