Thursday, June 07, 2007

Bad Dogs!

Holly and Tanner got ahold of one of my big beautiful hens and "played" with her until she fainted. I was filling up a can with water to take outside to the white boys and didn't hear her screaming. When I got to her the dogs ran. They have done this before, and didn't kill her but they pulled out tufts of her down feathers and dragged her around. I yelled at the dogs, like I've done many times before, but this time I was MAD. I grabbed a stick I use for herding sheep and chased them around the barn until I got close enough to break the stick over their backs. What a crazy scene that was, and I'm still mad. Now they know I mean business. I held her until she opened her eyes, then laid her in a feed bucket to rest. When I went back she was gone, hope she's alright. Dogs do NOT kill chickens on my farm!

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