Sunday, May 06, 2007

Work Continues on the Royal Throne Room

It doesn't look like I will be using it anytime soon, does it? I can't complain too much. Matt is spending a beautiful Sunday indoors working in the apt. In the meantime, our future garden spot is getting a good fertilizing when Matt empties the Royal Camp Potty. We bought it when Bodie broke my leg and it has come in very handy. I want to flush my toilet and not know or care where it is going! Matt tells me G.I's hated wading through the rice paddies in Vietnam because they were fertilized with human manure. Yuck!! Double yuck!!


  1. it's okay mommy! you can make it- i'm so proud of you.. speechless actually, you and matt are the definition of a powerful machine.. fueled by your dreams, and non stop efforts, genuine hard work.. and so much more, i would need years to write about! and i will someday, but until then, thank you for giving me such inspiration! oxox

  2. My dad told me the same thing about the rice paddies in Korea. that must be why I never really developed an appetite for rice...


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