Thursday, May 17, 2007

Woody the Sheep Kitty

Woody loves the sheep, and they let him rub up against them. I see these unlikely relationships and marvel at them. Woody has been with me for a couple of years now, after finding him in the woodshed one horribly cold night. He doesn't get along with the other cats, but the sheep like him just fine. Woody spends most of his time in the barn where it's safe, fortunately. The dogs brought home the body of a cat I think was my Puff Daddy, I can't tell. I don't know what got him and there wasn't much left. I had no where to lock the cats in when I moved here last summer, and hoped they would stay in the magnificent old barn I bought for them. Some of them headed for the fields, probably trying to find their way back home, poor things, or just having fun in their new surroundings. The coyotes are everywhere, among other cat killing critters. Gives me shivers to think about it...

1 comment:

  1. Woody looks like he'a a big guy! Fun to see him loving on the sheep!


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