Monday, May 28, 2007

Time to Remember

I have a lot to take pride in today. I come from a long line of warriors on my mother's side. Her folks came to this country a hundred years before the Revolution and fought in the colonial wars. AJ once said to me, Mom, your folks built this country. Could any mother ask for more poignant recognition? Suddenly, my Republican Motherhood was validated! Both my boys joined the Army and served their country. They were brought up on stories of service and heroism. Mia is doing her own public service with her decision to pursue a nursing career. Eric is a career Boy Scout, and AJ is still in the Army, working on a degree in public administration, and another in non-demoninational ministry. I could die tomorrow with the satisfaction of raising three patriotic public-serving citizens. (I do hope to stick around a little longer, four score and ten would suit me just fine.) Matt and I went to visit the grave site of Charles Chesebrough, a Union Army veteran who managed to make it home and die of his wounds, and is buried here on the farm. Chris Kupris told me of how the lead plate on his coffin rose to the surface. He rests beside the farmhouse, which we do not own, or I would erect a memorial to him. Chris tells me the cows would not stand on the spot because they could smell death. For now, a flag will have to do.

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