Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Old Time Shepherd

My plan worked. Stand between the flock and the road, and don't let them climb too far up the hill. It took a bit of huffing and puffing, because the sheep downhill would start grazing toward the road while I was up the hill pushing the others down. The goats ran right for the rose bushes and brush, in typical goatie fashion. That's okay, they will have plenty of it when we fence off goatland in the back. Izzy was on a leash for the first time which proved to be a problem. He kept lying down and wouldn't move, so his collar would pop off. I finally ran him and the other dogs down to the trailer. More huffing and puffing. When they had grazed about an hour and a half I decided I had enough and went to get the bag of corn and bell. It worked like a charm. I poured a long line, enough to accomodate sheep and goats, across the paddock on the ground, then rang the bell. Some started in, then finally a stampede. Five sheep who had started down the driveway came back too. The llamas even came in. One ewe got confused about which gate to come in and is still out. Tried to get her in but risked losing the others. She will probably lie up against the fence tonight. Thor is there so I'm not worried. The flock has bellies full of good green grass and I feel like I deserve my dinner tonight. I never get tired of the views, front and back. Other farms may have better hay fields, etc., but my farm has diversity and character. So much to rest my eyes on.


  1. I love all your pix, check in very couple of days to see what new. You have a beautiful farm.

  2. Whew! By the end of the summer, you'll be in tip top running shape!


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